Dispelling misconceptions and highlighting the
work’s hands-on nature will be key to helping
generate interest
PARKTON, MD – April 18, 2024. Carter Machinery recently partnered with the Maryland Center for Construction Education & Innovation (MCCEI) to produce and distribute a video that encourages individuals to consider exploring engineering careers, particularly in the electric power generation (EPG) field to support the rapidly expanding data center design-build industry.
The four-minute video – Design-Build Engineer – was sponsored by Carter’s Power Systems Division and the company’s Talent Acquisition team. It debuted in March on Build Your Path – MCCEI’s educational YouTube channel whose goal is to inform students and young adults about the built-environment industry and its careers. It follows several Carter team members as they explain their roles in bringing engineered designs to life through hands-on building, what systems engineers do, and how they’re involved with projects from beginning to end.
MCCEI is an independent, trusted adviser and resource for industry, education, and government whose work aims to promote, develop, and connect career opportunities in the built environment and make careers there a first-choice option. They’re also an important partner with and resource for Carter Machinery because the company’s Power Systems Division continues to experience rapid growth and a corresponding need to attract new talent to careers within the company and EPG.
“Thanks in part to the rapid expansion that is taking place in the data center space, and the fact that the world’s data center capital is in Northern Virginia – our backyard – the electric power generation-side of our business is really booming,” explains Jack Lanzillotti, Carter’s Talent Acquisition Manager. “As a result, we have a great need for talent in that space, from EPG Sales Reps to Technicians to Project Managers to Systems Engineers. There are some misconceptions when it comes to careers in engineering, including that the work is boring, confined to one job and location, or involves sitting behind a desk all day. The reality is that engineering includes a heavy, hands-on aspect, and our engineers get to design and build in a fun, exciting environment where they get their hands dirty. The video does a great job of capturing all this.”
Design-Build Engineer debuted at an MCCEI livestream event for MCCEI’s followers, stakeholders and early-career individuals interested in engineering careers, and today is featured on multiple platforms as part of recruitment efforts, including at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) where it airs on TV’s in the Engineering Program buildings, on, and on Carter’s and MCCEI’s social media.